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Karen Runner

I'm a wife and mother of two. When I'm not busy chauffeuring my kids to school, basketball, softball or ballet, I enjoy reading and working out. I love to run and recently discovered how much fun running races can be. Running has definitely become a new hobby. As Cathy's daughter-in-law, I enjoy supporting her ministry however I can -- usually by participating in skits and drama team, two things I really enjoy.
Sarah Austin

I am Cathy's niece and Margaret's daughter. I enjoy singing and being a part of the drama team. It's been a blessing to me to have this opportunity to minister to others through the CLM Ministries. I also very much enjoy the friendships I have made with the other ladies. We are all like family!
Amberly Bush

Multi-talented. Plays several instruments for Servant's Heart. Also helps with the drama team
Shelly Browning

I am a 4 year breast cancer survivor and have lost 60 lbs to date. I am a Youth Leader, Drama Team Leader, Praise Team/Choir member, and substitute Sunday School teacher at the North Bowling Green Church of God. I work in the insurance industry and as a fitness instructor on the side. I have 2 adult children and a daughter-in-law all who are serving the Lord, and 1 precious little grand-daughter. God has helped me overcome many things, including healing from a childhood of sexual abuse and multiple divorces of parents, and a deadbeat Dad, and the loss of my parents in their 40's & 50's. God has healed and restored my marriage, and has been there with me through many trials and tribulations. God has done an amazing work in my life!
Becky Meeks

Becky Browning married three years to Josh Browning. We have a beautiful baby girl Ava Noelle who is sixteen months old. I love every minute of being a mom. God has blessed me so much with an amazing family and a great church. I love Him for all He is! I am the girls Club Bluebelles teacher on Wednesday nights and am about to begin teaching the Preschool Sunday School class sunday mornings. My husband and I are slowly transtioning to take over the youth group of our church as he wants to become a youth minister in the future. We just want to be about the Father's business and be in His will and see souls saved! I also sing in the choir and help sing when needed with the praise team on Wednesday nights which Josh my husband leads. I love the Lord and just want to serve Him anyway that I can.
Maggie Austin

Cathy's sister and valuable Prayer Warrior for CLM Ministries. Creates sweet treats for the luncheons and conferences with inspiration messages on top. Works the merchandise booth and also helps in many other aspects on the ministry.
Brenda Byerline

Brenda Byerline, wife of John Byerline, children Misty, Kenny, Jeff and Gina and grand-children, Kaylei, AJ and Peyton. Loves music and being with family and friends.
Ann Bolin

My name is Ann Michelle Bolin. I am 37 years old and have a wonderful husband and four wonderful girls. God began and work in my life when my mother began to ask me to sing at the young age of 4 years old in my home church in Russell Springs, KY. My mother was a faithful member of this church and taught my brother and I that it was important not only to attend church, but to be a servant of God in your church. My father is the hardest working man on the face of the Earth and loves his family more than anything; however, he is not a Christian and stayed home while we attended church three times a week. I met my husband in high school and we quickly knew we were meant to be together, and after dating for 5 years married our last year at Western Kentucky University. We began to attend North Bowling Green Church of God and quickly were adopted into their family. After being married 4 years, we had our first child Jaci and I truly then understood how much God really does love us. Our second child came along the next year, Jannah. Abigail, our third, followed after two more years, and finally Amelia five years ago. They are four blessings I am so glad God decided to bestow on us. God has allowed me to work at home after I delivered our third child. I currently teach piano to 24 students and love every minute. Not living near family, God knew that our family might not survive with two working parents outside of the home, and not only provided a financial way we could do it, but provided the word of mouth advertisement and the full schedule I currently work.My passions and what I love about God are very basic and simple. My passion to teach little ones has grown over the years and probably stems back to my mother. She has always taught 'something'. My passion for singing is watered at our home church and I love singing on our Praise Team and Choir. That time that I spend in Worship is a quiet time for me and God. I know that is strange to think about, but when I'm singing, I feel a connection that sometimes I cannot get any other way. It is one way I speak to God. I have been raised in church all my life and really have always been protected by prayers that have gone up when I haven't been close to him from my mother, my grandmother (a Church of God preacher), and my grandfather (also a minister). Now that I am older I look back knowing that God had his hand on my life all of my 37 years and kept me out of harms way. I love the Lord, and could not survive the craziness of our lives without Him. As our children get older, Jaci - 12, Jannah - 11, Abigail - 8, and Amelia -5, my prayer for them is that they will draw close to God. I want to be the example that our girls will grow up to live by. I make tons of mistakes, but I'm so thankful that God understands. I want to please Him and work for the glory of His kingdom, and I thank Him for the opportunity to minister in whatever way He wants.
Pat Redmond

I was born in Tennessee. My family moved to Ohio when I was about 5 years old. I started school and graduated from high school in Sidney, Ohio. My childhood dream was to be a teacher. Though that particular dream never became a reality, I feel that God placed that desire in my heart, and it remains today.
I also believe that God gave me not only a love for music, but an ear for it as well. One of my earliest music memories is of me sitting beside my best friend on the piano bench, watching her practice her piano lessons. I believe I picked up some basic skills and knowledge by watching her, and God planted those skills in me so I could use them for His glory. And to this day, that is what I try to do.
My husband John and I have been married for 40 years. We’ve lived in several states during the course of our marriage, and both of us have always tried to be useful in the kingdom of God, whether in music, teaching, or any other avenue God has opened up. We’ve seen many good times, and there have been some very hard places as well. But through it all, God has been faithful. Even when we couldn’t see or feel any evidence of His presence, I know He was there because He promised that He would never leave or forsake His children.
To this day, my most basic goals in life are to live a life that pleases the Father, and to let my life be an expression of gratitude and thanks for the gift of salvation He has provided – truly a gift that I could never hope to obtain or earn on my own.
Other Family information:
daughter Angie Honeycutt; husband Shane; children Brad Neeper, Cameron and Shanna Honeycutt
son Jonathan; wife Dena; children Kaley and Kendra
I also believe that God gave me not only a love for music, but an ear for it as well. One of my earliest music memories is of me sitting beside my best friend on the piano bench, watching her practice her piano lessons. I believe I picked up some basic skills and knowledge by watching her, and God planted those skills in me so I could use them for His glory. And to this day, that is what I try to do.
My husband John and I have been married for 40 years. We’ve lived in several states during the course of our marriage, and both of us have always tried to be useful in the kingdom of God, whether in music, teaching, or any other avenue God has opened up. We’ve seen many good times, and there have been some very hard places as well. But through it all, God has been faithful. Even when we couldn’t see or feel any evidence of His presence, I know He was there because He promised that He would never leave or forsake His children.
To this day, my most basic goals in life are to live a life that pleases the Father, and to let my life be an expression of gratitude and thanks for the gift of salvation He has provided – truly a gift that I could never hope to obtain or earn on my own.
Other Family information:
daughter Angie Honeycutt; husband Shane; children Brad Neeper, Cameron and Shanna Honeycutt
son Jonathan; wife Dena; children Kaley and Kendra
Stephanie Austin, Graphic Designer

Stephanie is Cathy's niece and a recent graduate of WKU with a Graphic Design degree. She also is a former member of Cathy's current church, North Bowling Green Church of God where many of her friends and family members still attend. She is happy to lend her talents to CLM Ministries with the hope of touching lives and opening hearts.
Christie Cottongim

Drama team member, Helps with photography & other aspects of the ministry.
Bethany Turner

I am the Make-up and Hair Stylist for the group. I also helps with other aspects of CLM Ministries.